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Bulletin, Newsletter and Other Publications

St. James' Eufaula wants to communicate all activities to parishioners and visitors alike.  Below you will find links to our Weekly eNews newsletter detailing events and activities of St. James' Eufaula.  You will also find a link to the coming Sunday's bulletin and/or bulletins for other special services.  We will occasionally post links to other publications of interest and use such as Lenten devotionals, etc.  If you have any questions, please visit the FAQ section of this website, send us a note using the form at the bottom of each page on this website, or give us a call.  We hope to see you soon.  


Every other week St. James sends out a newsletter detailing coming events at the church and around the community.  This eNews goes out by email to most and regular mail to some.  It also features stories about those in our church family and activities in the community.  Sign up today using the "Connect" sign up below.

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Each week St. James publishes a bulletin for use during each of our Sunday morning services - 8:00 and 10:30 am.  This bulletin lists hymns and a general order for the service.  It also lists those volunteers serving and general announcements.  Below you will find the bulletins for each of these services.

Stations of the Cross Bulletin
Noonday Prayer-Worship in the World Bulletin
Compline Bulletin


This space features links to other publications of interest, relevance or note to the St. James family.  This includes handouts from speakers, Christian Formation events, etc.

Annual Report
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