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In Spanish, Cursillo means "short course".


Cursillo is an opportunity to grow in faith and spirituality. A way to deeper understand of the teachings of Jesus and how we can serve him.


Cursillo is an experience of living and sharing with others in a loving and caring environment and realizing that this can be extended into our own environment.


What Cursillo really means to us at St. James is the chance of a lifetime, a gift, a spiritual awaking that will forever change your life. The Cursillo experience begins with a three-day weekend (Thursday to Sunday, no cost to attend) at Camp Beckwith (follow this link for more info on the Camp) designed deepen your spiritual relationship with Christ, followed by ongoing and continuing community that gives support and encouragement empowering the renewed Christians to persevere in carrying out their Baptismal vows. Regular events are planned and carried out among a strong and enthusiastic community.


The Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast Cursillo group known as Coastal Pilgrims (click here) have more information on this incredible program.  Below you will see a video put together by the Diocese on Cursillo.

St. James Episcopal Church



100 St. James Place

Eufaula, Alabama  36027





Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.



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