Reflection: The Rev. Valerie Balling Rector, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Monmouth Junction, NJ These few verses are the essense of the Baptismal Covenant, the blue-print of how to live as a Christian. Imagine what the world, or even our churches, would be like if we actually followed these tenets. Let's accept the challenge and practice thems each day, making them our holy habits.
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Discipleship is important to the St. James' Eufaula family. One part of our discipleship is learning about our faith and discussing it with others. As we grow together in the knowledge and love of Jesus, the Holy Spirit leads us in new directions both inside and outside the walls of our church. Discipleship and learning are not without questions. We learn and grow through interaction and discussion with others. We want to hear your questions and let you comment on questions posed by others. There are several Forum "threads" including one from our Adult Christian Education class. We also welcome thoughts, ideas, pictures and other resources helpful in the walk of faith. Join the discussion today.
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