Celebrating the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, word and action
St. James' Eufaula is a welcoming, caring community seeking to follow Jesus Christ in a prayerful and meaningful way that changes our lives, the community in which we live and the world around. We do this with love through hope and faith in the risen Lord, worship, prayer, study and service. We are blessed with our parish home and people filled with love and hope to share this with you. We would love to have you join us for worship and fellowship!
Helping Those In Need
"‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’"
[Matthew 25:40]
The caring heart of the St. James family prayerfully and generously reaches out into our community, surrounding area and the world with the love of Christ. We are Christ's "hands and feet" in the world around us and we approach the command to "love our neighbor as ourselves" intentionally and actively. Through our parish, partnerships with local outreach groups and other charities, we support initiatives and activities that feed our neighbors who lack food, help house those who do not have a home, assist those with clothing and basic essential needs, work for justice, peace and reconciliation for all people and so much more. We hope you will join us on the journey...

Growing in Faith Together
"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
[2 Corinthians 13:14]
Active caring for our church, community and the world is the heart of St. James. We care for each other and the life of faith we share together through formation and educational programs, retreats, small groups, fellowship events and other activities. As we come together, we form relationships that bond us to each other as family and strengthen us as disciples of Jesus Christ. These activities help us care for our common life together and grow in our faith. We hope you will join us on the journey...